Welcome to Wadsworth Township
Wadsworth Township is located in Medina County, Ohio, and is a political subdivision of the state. As such, it has only those powers granted to it by the state legislature and performs functions defined by the state. Three Trustees and a Fiscal Officer, each elected for a four-year term, administer the township. Officially they fill their offices on a part-time basis, but they are always ready to meet their responsibilities. They welcome your interest and encourage your questions and suggestions. The care and maintenance of the township road system is the largest function of the township today. Latest figures indicate 24.080 miles of roads and Census 2010 data indicate a population of 4,191 for Wadsworth Township.
Our Location
Wadsworth Township’s Garage Facility and Meeting Room are located at 320 Chestnut Street, Wadsworth, Ohio 44281.
Wadsworth Township
P.O. Box 614
Wadsworth, OH 44282-0614

Quick Links
Get information about upcoming meetings and other official events or obtain and review information concerning past events.
Visit the Meetings pageBulletin Board
Get access to documents that are important to residents of Wadsworth Township.
Visit the Bulletin Board pageComprehensive Plan
This Comprehensive Plan Update presents Wadsworth Township’s vision for the future.
Visit the Comprehensive Plan pageFrequently Asked Questions
Find answers to questions that are commonly asked by residents of our township.
Visit the FAQ page